I invite you to experience my one-of-a-kind, proven methodology for activating soul blueprints.

Your soul blueprint holds the unique codes for your most authentic, abundant and freedom filled expression in this lifetime.Ā 

Imagine waking up each day so excited to start work, watching your bank account grow with ease because you'reĀ in total alignment with your soul work.People seek you out because you're so embodied in your gifts, you are a shining light of magnetic, authentic energy.

This is what is available to you on the other-side of activating your soul blueprint.Ā 

This activation is a 3-part, audio only process.Ā 

Each audio recording goes for between 10-15 minutes and contains light language w/intuitive energy work.
Part 1 ~ Activation of multidimensional aspects of the soul blueprint, starseed codes, lifetimes as a multidimensional being, soul star chakra opening + activation, galactic connections.Ā 
Part 2 ~ Clearing past, present, future timelines containing fear, self doubt or sabotage around spiritual gifts. Clearing any energies blocking the activation of the soul blueprint.Ā 
Part 3 ~Ā Activation of past lives as human where you used your soul gifts, witch / healer / intuitive codes, third eye + throat chakra activations, clearing and opening your psychic channel, general clearing of throat chakra for activation of self expression.
Activation of the soul blueprint is the fastest way to align with your soul purpose and connect with your soul gifts. Don't spend any longer wondering, searching and hoping you'll find your purpose path.. allow yourself to receive these activations and remember your path from the inside out.Ā 
Activating your soul blueprint also activates all of the soul contracts which were put into place before you came into this incarnation which agreed to support your evolution and embodiment of your gifts. Imagine your life being filled with people who see you, know you and support you at a soul level. That is bliss. That is fulfilment. That is the best feeling in the world.Ā 


This is divine magic. I feel so safe when working with Steph and I completely trust the process. There has never been a moment of doubt. Steph has facilitated so much healing in my life through and given me tools and practices so that I can continue to hold space for myself whenever I need to. The way Steph works with her clients is deep. She doesn't just hold a session or space for you then the work is complete. Energy work takes time, the more open, trusting, and aware you about your own healing process, the more committed you are to the work that you do with Steph, the bigger outcome you will get.ā€
I donā€™t think I can express how truly grateful I am for you! To be able to look up to you and learn from all the knowledge and wisdom you hold is so beautiful, I canā€™t Thank you enough for how much I have evolved in 2023. It is because of you that I am trusting myself more and finding myself more every day. I look back to the start of the year and I canā€™t believe how disconnected I was to myself. I think your methods make absolutely no fkn sense to my logical brain but fuck they feel good and they FUCKING WORK! You came here to do exactly what your doing and I feel so special to be apart of it! I love ya šŸ„°šŸ¤
"You are so capable, you are so wise and so tapped in. The energy that held this container was so loving and full of magic. I feel exponentially different for having had your guidance and prompts to add to my day and future visions. You go above and beyond to ensure everyone is being heard and is receiving tailored care even in a group environment. You are able to traverse timelines and pull out the kernel of truth in every session so effortlessly. Your gift in this is that it is totally intuitive, psychic and channelled and I believe it is inherently unique to you. I feels very special to be receiving your offerings and to be held by your energetic prowess"

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