Metamorphosis is a 4 week alchemical journey for witch-preneursĀ who want to create uncapped wealth with their soul gifts without energetic burnout.Ā 

Metamorphosis blends high frequency energy work with practical business strategy for a holistic approach that will catalyse powerful shifts and growth in you and your soul business.Ā 



  • Week 1 ~Ā Ā Soul blueprint activations,Ā Soul codes + Soul gifts & authentic energy activations.Ā 
  • Week 2 ~ Healing past life & ancestral wounds impacting evolution and aligning to your success. Womb healing on self confidence, worth & trust.Ā 
  • Week 3 ~Ā Ā Blindspots & sabotaging behaviours,Ā mindset work & creation of unique affirmation set.Ā Ā 
  • Week 4 ~Ā Ā Soulmate client strategy + creating a dynamic business model + creating a community with your brand.
  • THE EXTRAS ~ Custom created meditations & activations for each week of the program, live mentoring from me during the live calls and for the duration of the program, a sleek and accessible platform to receiveĀ the program and resources.

*The curriculum may pivot slightly depending on the collective energy that arises throughout the group*Ā 


Align to new levels of authenticity, soul alignment, wealth and recognition for your gifts and skills šŸ‘


šŸŒ¹ THE SOUL WORK [WEEK 1] - Will open and amplify your innate soul gifts, purpose codes and strengthen the voice of your soul to guide you forward. Activation of your unique soul blueprint gives you a more authentic and unique edge in your business. These activations support in calling in your soulmate clients with ease & creating a unique brand that stands out.

šŸŒ¹THEĀ SOUL CODES ACTIVATIONĀ [WEEK 1]Ā Will activate youĀ unique blueprint codes that youĀ must share in this lifetime (creative, wealth, trust, courage, authenticity, care etc). These codes are what people are unconsciously attracted to you for and you support them in these areas without even having to try. They are encoded into your aura.Ā 

šŸŒ¹THE PAST LIFE + ANCESTRAL HEALINGĀ [WEEK 2]Ā Is going to be a deep healing into any past life & ancestral wounds that are currently impacting your ability to create success as a women with spiritual gifts. We will also do some powerful activations and clearing on your psychic channel to allow for clearer communication with spirit & the divine.Ā 

šŸŒ¹THE WOMB HEALINGĀ [WEEK 2] We will also tap into wounds around self-confidence, self belief and self worth so you can align to the manifestations you have been calling in and believe you are truely worthy of it all. Changing your self concept to align with who you have asked to become.

šŸŒ¹Ā THE BLINDSPOTS + SABOTAGESĀ [WEEK 3]Ā Is going to help you decipher the behaviours which are keeping you stuck & where they originated from so you can clear them and introduce new, more productive business habits.Ā 

šŸŒ¹Ā THE LIMITING MINDSETS [WEEK 3]Ā Is going to reveal to you the sabotagingĀ mindsets that are impacting your ability to grow and succeed. We are going to heal the root cause of this energy and replace them with new and supportive mindsets that you are going to imprint into your subconscious so you can create the reality that you desire.Ā 

šŸŒ¹Ā BUSINESS CHANELLING SESSIONĀ [WEEK 4]Ā Is going to give you a new high frequency ritual to connect in with the soul of your business and it's energy. This ritual will support you when you go into your work days, so you are always working from high frequency energy therefore creating high frequency results.Ā 

šŸŒ¹Ā BUSINESS CHANNELING SESSIONĀ [WEEK 4]Ā Is going to require you to get specific and clear about what is & what isn't working in your business. We're going to create clarity around what makes you feel excited and passionate & who your specific customer is so you can work on your messaging and selling points.Ā 

šŸ¦‹ FAQ'S šŸ¦‹


  • Calling in aligned soulmate clients that are obsessed with everything you have to offer.Ā They seem to just drop out of the sky and find you because your frequency is finally tapped into your authentic soul gifts and mission.Ā 
  • Feeling into a new, unique energy that feels so authentic and aligned to you and sharing this in a fun, creative way through your socials growing your following and actually having FUN whilst doing so.Ā 
  • Experiencing a new wave of confidence + authority in your field as your unique soul blueprint is activated and begins to lead you and encode through everything that you do.Ā 
  • Facilitating sessions for your clients that are a new level of powerful. Catalysing results that are far more profound and potent then before.Ā 
  • CreatingĀ super f***ing coolĀ new offerings that are not seen ANYWHERE ELSEĀ that honourĀ your soul gifts that literally make you sooo excited to put them out into the world.Ā 
  • Making a goddess-like, high frequency ritual that puts you intoĀ a high vibration BEFORE you start work giving you the confidence of knowing you're always working with the highest vibration available to you.Ā 
  • Calling in more income, more opportunities, more synchronicities, more freedom and MORE of all the good stuff you've been asking for.Ā 
  • Re-igniting the flame of passion for your business and pivoting your approach so your business feels like an extension of your true needs, desires and what you find fun and enjoyable.Ā 
  • Ticking off manifestations you've had in your biz for so long but have had no idea how to get there!Ā 

This program is for you if ~Ā 

šŸ‘Ā You feel that it's time to expand and evolve your business but you're unsure of what needs to be done / the process.

Specifically you want to:

  • Feel momentum, motivation and that you are working in the right directionĀ 
  • Shift the energy in your business so it feels more aligned to what you actually want to do and offer.Ā 
  • Break through any ceilings, stagnancy and old cycles in your business that are plateauing your expansion and growth.Ā Ā 

šŸ‘Ā Be recognised and noticed for the work you do.Ā 

Specifically you want to:

  • Be the BEST at what you do by tapping into the soul gifts that come naturally to you.Ā 
  • Stand out from the competition and the industry you're in and be known for having an alternate, unique and individual approach.Ā 
  • Feel confident in your ability to create incredible results and services.Ā 

šŸ‘Ā You're looking for direction, purpose & clarityĀ in your soul business so you can evolve to new levels of success and wealth.Ā 

Specifically you want to:

  • Have more clarity around your business mission, who you are serving and what is the role of your business in the collective.Ā 
  • Let go of misaligned people, offers,Ā  experiences and behavioursĀ so your business is running in the flow of alignment.Ā 
  • Ā Go deeper into your unique soul purpose so you can have a clear point of difference and unique offering / energy in your business.Ā 
  • Feel more passionate, heart led and excited about your soul business.Ā 
  • Let go of old stagnant energy that may be dormant within your business and renew the flow of high frequency energy in your business eco-system.Ā 
  • Create your next offering, experience or service in your business that is aligned to your soul purpose and path.Ā 
  • Update and shift your business so it reflects your own unique authenticity and soul blueprint.Ā 
  • Get clear on the sabotaging behaviours & mindsets that you have previously been blind too and pivot your behaviour to align with your future self.Ā 

šŸ‘Ā You want to amplify your soul gifts & attract soulmate clients.Ā 

Specifically you want to:

  • Utilise & amplify the soul gifts that are going to expand and grow your business in a way that is aligned to you.Ā 
  • Align with the individuals who feel like dream, soulmate clients & see you in your power & authenticity.Ā 
  • Get clear on your soulmate client & create a content and messaging strategy that is going to attract these clients into your business.Ā 
  • Fill your offers, containers & experiences with the right people who value your gifts, wisdom, boundaries and unique way of working.Ā 

šŸ‘Ā You want to strengthen and connect deeper to your intuition & and channel.Ā 

Specifically you want to:

  • ChannelĀ your unique business offers + experiences that are reflective of your soul gifts and feel confident in sharing these with the collective.
  • Stop second guessing your natural intuitive gifts.Ā 
  • Lean into the unseen, ethereal forces and tap into the quantum field so you can experience quantum leaps, incredible transformation, miracles and results that go beyond what is normal and conditioned.
  • Be an intuitive goddess who utilises her powerful womb wisdom.

šŸ‘ Youā€™re not sure if you fit into any of the above but youā€™re committed to learning, growing and expanding and uncovering more about yourself. Your intuition has led you here and youā€™re not too sure why.

This is such a common experience in my world.. sometimes we are led to places we donā€™t even know we need.

Tune in with it and you feel that intuitive nudge.. follow it.Ā I promise you'll leave the space completely upgraded from when you arrived.


What my clients say about working with mešŸŒ¹

"You are so capable, you are so wise and so tapped in. The energy that held this container was so loving and full of magic. I feel exponentially different for having had your guidance and prompts to add to my day and future visions. You go above and beyond to ensure everyone is being heard and is receiving tailored care even in a group environment. You are able to traverse timelines and pull out the kernel of truth in every session so effortlessly. Your gift in this is that it is totally intuitive, psychic and channelled and I believe it is inherently unique to you. I feels very special to be receiving your offerings and to be held by your energetic prowess"
I donā€™t think I can express how truly grateful I am for you! To be able to look up to you and learn from all the knowledge and wisdom you hold is so beautiful, I canā€™t Thank you enough for how much I have evolved in 2023. It is because of you that I am trusting myself more and finding myself more every day. I look back to the start of the year and I canā€™t believe how disconnected I was to myself. I think your methods make absolutely no fkn sense to my logical brain but fuck they feel good and they FUCKING WORK! You came here to do exactly what your doing and I feel so special to be apart of it! I love ya šŸ„°šŸ¤
This is divine magic. I feel so safe when working with Steph and I completely trust the process. There has never been a moment of doubt. Steph has facilitated so much healing in my life through and given me tools and practices so that I can continue to hold space for myself whenever I need to. The way Steph works with her clients is deep. She doesn't just hold a session or space for you then the work is complete. Energy work takes time, the more open, trusting, and aware you about your own healing process, the more committed you are to the work that you do with Steph, the bigger outcome you will get.ā€

Welcome you magnificent goddess,Ā 

To the multi-dimensional, ethereal, magickal and mystical realm that is Energia.Ā 

Ā I'm a 6/2 Reflector, Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon & Pisces Rising.Ā 

My mission in this lifetime is to support the women who know they are here to create a soul aligned legacy,Ā in full expression of their soul gifts who desire to align with their highest and most abundant timeline.Ā 

My gift is being able to see what you need to do, where you need to go & how you're unconsciously holding yourself back. I can see the path to your highest timeline and I'm here to support your journey there.Ā 

I have been doing this for lifetimes and I am here to support you in uncovering every inch of who you truely are, awakening you to your true power and connecting you to the unseen, divine and quantum realm to unlock the life that is beyond your wildest dreams.Ā 

Welcome to my cosmic playground,Ā 

Let's play in the 12th dimension.

The core intentions & purpose of myĀ work ~ šŸŒ¹

1. Aligning you with your soul purpose

We all share one common purpose in this lifetime - to experience the depth and spectrum of the entire human experiences.

To love, to serve, to enjoy life.

Each soul has a unique purpose for their incarnation here on earth at this time and it is through realisation of this purpose that you experience deep fulfilment, passion and joy.

The core of your soul purpose remains the same over yet as you grow, expand and evolve, the expressions and details of your soul purpose evolve too.

Living in alignment with your purpose feels incredibly fulfilling and cultivates a deep sense of satisfaction. When you operate from a place of purpose, you open up a sea of infinite possibilities, there is no ceiling.

2. Unlocking your Soul GiftsĀ 

Every soul that has incarnated in this lifetime has a unique set of gifts that they have carried with them through lifetimes.

Your soul gifts are so innate to you and the expression of these gifts feel like a deep remembrance of the breadth of lifetimes you have had before this one.

Your soul gifts are literal gifts from your soul to your human experience in this lifetime, they need to be expressed through you & expressed with the world.

Soul Gifts can be anything from spiritual & healing gifts, to creative expression, sporting & intellectual abilities. Your gifts may be your aura, your magnetism, your personality and by activating all fragments of these you get to choose how to express them in your physical reality.

Your soul gifts are the gifts that you give to the world.

Some of you may already be expressing these soul gifts without even realising the potential that can be even further unlocked through finding these within the soul portal.

3. Raising your vibrationĀ 

Everything I do is aligned with the universal laws of energy. Supporting you in raising your vibration and aligning with the energy of what you desire is at the core of this membership. Everything is encoded with high frequency 5D energy alongside practical teachings on how to master energetics and your own personal vibration.Ā 

Accessing the infinite potential of your soul blueprint as a vibrational experience, when you feel good, and choose to do the inner work you will align with your soul frequency.

4. Awakening the divine within you & connecting you with spirit.Ā 

I work beyond the human experience and I unlock the multidimensional aspects of your being by putting spiritual support at the forefront ofĀ all the resources in the membership.Ā 

In order to connect you with your soul frequency, I must align you with your spiritual team who are supporting you along this journey. I invite your spiritual guides into every mediation, healing and transmission that I create and ensure that you're connected and aware of the support that you have.Ā 

Activation of your spiritual channel & personal spiritual codes is encoded into all of my healings and meditations. Healing wounds around intuitive and spiritual gifts is a big part of my monthly healings.Ā 

Living a spirit led, soul aligned life is the cheat code to experiencing the love, freedom, abundance and bliss that you desire in this lifetime. Your soul desires are supported by your guides and therefore they are an integral part of our work together.Ā 

5.Ā Practical integration + grounded tools.Ā 

So, I have 6 capricorn placements in my chart meaning that whilst i LOVE all the deep spiritual work, I must have grounded and practical ways to integrate it all.Ā 

It's important to me that everything we do in the multi-dimensional, ethereal space, is grounded down into the 3d human experience so it can be integrated and used in the best possible way. We chose to have a human experience in this lifetime & therefore we must honour that.Ā 

In all my teachings, offerings & courses I blend the spirituality with the practical so you can create the biggest and best expansion by combining all parts of yourself.Ā 



ā€œHoly shitttā€¦honestly everything has changed for me!! I am SO grateful that I answered the call and trusted my nudge towards working with you. When I think back, I feel like a completely different person to who I was 4 months agoā€¦ I had all the awareness, but was really struggling with my fear mindset/beliefs and my physical reality was seriously reflecting that. Throughout this process, Iā€™ve managed to call in an a ton of aligned opportunities, people and financial gain with so much ease, itā€™s actually insaneee. šŸ„¹ It feels like Iā€™ve shifted from a very scared and wounded place, to one of much more trust and clarity with my purpose/gifts. My perspective on life and what I deserve to call in/am capable of, has completely flipped, and Iā€™m over the moon with how much has changedā€

Steph holds incredibly powerful containers of intuitive wisdom and healing, always tapped into the energetics of the group, knowing what is needed at all times and curating accordingly. The Cosmic Creatrix program landed at a divinely aligned time in my life, coinciding no less with one of, if not THE biggest death/rebirth transformation Iā€™ve ever experienced. I feel so supported anytime working in Stephā€™s realm and it is evident that her gifts and passion for what she does is served with so much care and love. You can feel the frequency calling your soul into whatever Steph has to offer and her energy is infectious. I know I am not the same person I wasā€”I am more aligned, more true and more connected with my soul, gifts and my true essence. For me, thereā€™s been a real harmonisation and inner union of my divine feminine and masculine, feeling a sense of wholeness. Thank you Steph, you are truly magick and I love working with you.