• Women who are drawn to spirituality, energy healing, alternative medicines etc in this lifetime feel this resonance because they have experience with these modalities from past lives and ancestral connections.Ā 

  • Spirituality was considered an extremely taboo topic in lifetimes previous to this one and it was not uncommon for women who practised spirituality in any way to be tortured, burnt at the stake, punished or isolated.
  • These deep wounds and traumas have been carried by the soul as a protective mechanism into this lifetime. By unconsciously blocking your connection with your intuitive, spiritual and psychic selfĀ you are protecting yourself from ever experiencing those traumatic situations again.Ā 
  • Witch wounds are carried by most women and are amplified through mainstream society which reinforce our fear of trusting in the unseen, unknown and intuitive forces within us.Ā 
  • Clearing witch wounds opens up an incredibly powerful portal of new skills, gifts and energies within you. Connecting you deeper into your intuition, opening your third eye to see higher perspectives of consciousness & activating gifts that go beyond the limitations of the human experience.Ā 

Why will healing your witch wounds catalyse such profound expansion and growth in your life? šŸ¦‹

šŸŒ¹ Heal the fear of being seen, being visible and being celebrated by the collective through clearing any imprints from lifetimes where you were punished for sharing your spiritual gifts with the world.Ā 

šŸŒ¹Ā Connect with your past lives as a healer, medicine woman, witch, intuitive, galactic being, starseed, psychic, oracle and receive the codes and remembering of the gifts you mastered in these lifetimes so you can utilise them in your current lifetime on a personal or professional level.Ā 

Ā šŸŒ¹ Clear any blocks in your psychic channel so you can hear, receive and tap into powerful guidance from your spiritual team and the non -physical realm.Ā 

šŸŒ¹Ā Feel into the power you have previously held that lives within your soul that goes beyond the explanation of the 3D human experience. Viscerally experience your true self as an extension of source energy.Ā 

šŸŒ¹ Amplify the energy of the dark & divine feminine, connecting you deeper into the frequency of your feminine energy.

šŸŒ¹Ā Activate and open higher states of consciousness in your third eye and crown chakra to allow high frequency energy to pour in andĀ connect you to your powerful, multidimensional self.

šŸŒ¹Ā Create your own unique healing methodology and modality by remembering how you used and mastered spiritual, psychic and intuitive gifts in previous lifetimes. Serve the collective with your own unique methodology and gifts.Ā 

šŸŒ¹Ā Unlock a new level of clarity and connection with your intuition by healing the societal, past life and ancestral imprints that have conditioned you to not trust your gut, womb and heart.Ā 

šŸŒ¹ Connect with the multi-dimensional version of yourself who is experiencing multiple timelines and realities all at once. Open yourself up to the multi-dimensional aspects of your true self and experience the infinite potential that lies within these realms.

What my clients say about working with mešŸŒ¹

"You are so capable, you are so wise and so tapped in. The energy that held this container was so loving and full of magic. I feel exponentially different for having had your guidance and prompts to add to my day and future visions. You go above and beyond to ensure everyone is being heard and is receiving tailored care even in a group environment. You are able to traverse timelines and pull out the kernel of truth in every session so effortlessly. Your gift in this is that it is totally intuitive, psychic and channelled and I believe it is inherently unique to you. I feels very special to be receiving your offerings and to be held by your energetic prowess"
I donā€™t think I can express how truly grateful I am for you! To be able to look up to you and learn from all the knowledge and wisdom you hold is so beautiful, I canā€™t Thank you enough for how much I have evolved in 2023. It is because of you that I am trusting myself more and finding myself more every day. I look back to the start of the year and I canā€™t believe how disconnected I was to myself. I think your methods make absolutely no fkn sense to my logical brain but fuck they feel good and they FUCKING WORK! You came here to do exactly what your doing and I feel so special to be apart of it! I love ya šŸ„°šŸ¤
This is divine magic. I feel so safe when working with Steph and I completely trust the process. There has never been a moment of doubt. Steph has facilitated so much healing in my life through and given me tools and practices so that I can continue to hold space for myself whenever I need to. The way Steph works with her clients is deep. She doesn't just hold a session or space for you then the work is complete. Energy work takes time, the more open, trusting, and aware you about your own healing process, the more committed you are to the work that you do with Steph, the bigger outcome you will get.ā€

šŸ¦‹ FAQ'S šŸ¦‹


Please make sure you open the confirmation email to confirm your spot in the session.

This healingĀ is for you if ~Ā 

šŸ‘Ā You have a desire for MORE and can feel that you're capable of doing more, receiving more, being more seen & received by the collective in your authentic, true energy.Ā 

Specifically you want to:

  • Release any blocks you have around being seen and sharing your gifts & authentic nature with the world around you.
  • Increase the amount of people, abundance, rewards, experiences and opportunities you are aligning too that are connected to your true purpose.Ā 

šŸ‘Ā You want to live a soul led + spirit led life.Ā 

Specifically you want to:

  • Be connected to universal intelligence, your guides and the divine and co-create a beautiful life with them.Ā 
  • Heal the blocks, wounds & conditioning across all timelines that sabotage your ability to live in soul alignment and connect to the divine realm.Ā 

šŸ‘Ā You're looking for direction, purpose & clarity on who you are and what you're meant to be doing.Ā 

Specifically you want to:

  • Access the frequency that holds your purpose, soul path and all the elements that are crucial to your soul alignment.Ā Ā 
  • Heal the blocks, wounds & conditioning across all timelinesĀ that are keeping you attached to disempowering and unaligned frequencies.Ā 
  • Claim the passion, purpose filled life that you came here to live.Ā 

šŸ‘ Youā€™re a business owner who wantsĀ toĀ amplify your unique medicine, soul gifts to attract juicy, soul aligned clients.Ā 

Specifically you want to:

  • UtiliseĀ the soul gifts that are going to amplify & expand and grow your business in a way that is aligned to you.Ā 
  • Align with the individuals who feel like dream, soulmate clients & see you in your power & authenticity.Ā 
  • Get a clear vision on who your soul came here to be and lean into that identity.Ā 
  • Have a stronger connection with your intuition and create your business from this place, rather than overthinking everything.Ā 
  • Support your business strategy with the right energetics so yourĀ co-creating with the universe rather than doing all the work yourself.Ā 
  • Prioritise your womb health so you can have an open, spacious womb for creation & creativity.Ā 

šŸ‘Ā You want to strengthen and connect deeper to your intuition, spiritual gifts and channel.Ā 

Specifically you want to:

  • Stop second guessing your natural intuitive gifts.Ā 
  • Lean into the unseen, ethereal forces rather than being stuck thinking of a logical, strategic and factual level.Ā 
  • Be an intuitive goddess who utilises her powerful womb wisdom.

šŸ‘ Youā€™re not sure if you fit into any of the above but youā€™re committed to learning, growing and expanding and uncovering more about yourself. Your intuition has led you here and youā€™re not too sure why.

This is such a common experience in my world.. sometimes we are led to places we donā€™t even know we need.

Tune in with it and you feel that intuitive nudge.. follow it.Ā I promise you'll leave the space completely upgraded from when you arrived.


Welcome you magnificent goddess,Ā 

To the multi-dimensional, ethereal, magickal and mystical realm that is Energia.Ā 

My name is Stephanie ~ In this lifetime I work as an energy healer, spirit channel and lightworker.Ā 

I'm a 6/2 Reflector, Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon & Pisces Rising.Ā 

My mission in this lifetime is to support the women who know they are here to create a soul aligned legacy,Ā in full expression of their soul gifts who desire to align with their highest and most abundant timeline.Ā 

My gift is being able to see what you need to do, where you need to go & how you're unconsciously holding yourself back. I can see the path to your highest timeline and I'm here to support your journey there.Ā 

I have been doing this for lifetimes and I am here to support you in uncovering every inch of who you truely are, awakening you to your true power and connecting you to the unseen, divine and quantum realm to unlock the life that is beyond your wildest dreams.Ā 

Welcome to my cosmic playground,Ā 

Let's play in the 12th dimension.

What my clients say about working with mešŸŒ¹

ā€œHoly shitttā€¦honestly everything has changed for me!! I am SO grateful that I answered the call and trusted my nudge towards working with you. When I think back, I feel like a completely different person to who I was 4 months agoā€¦ I had all the awareness, but was really struggling with my fear mindset/beliefs and my physical reality was seriously reflecting that. Throughout this process, Iā€™ve managed to call in an a ton of aligned opportunities, people and financial gain with so much ease, itā€™s actually insaneee. šŸ„¹ It feels like Iā€™ve shifted from a very scared and wounded place, to one of much more trust and clarity with my purpose/gifts. My perspective on life and what I deserve to call in/am capable of, has completely flipped, and Iā€™m over the moon with how much has changedā€"
Steph holds incredibly powerful containers of intuitive wisdom and healing, always tapped into the energetics of the group, knowing what is needed at all times and curating accordingly. The Cosmic Creatrix program landed at a divinely aligned time in my life, coinciding no less with one of, if not THE biggest death/rebirth transformation Iā€™ve ever experienced. I feel so supported anytime working in Stephā€™s realm and it is evident that her gifts and passion for what she does is served with so much care and love. You can feel the frequency calling your soul into whatever Steph has to offer and her energy is infectious. I know I am not the same person I wasā€”I am more aligned, more true and more connected with my soul, gifts and my true essence. For me, thereā€™s been a real harmonisation and inner union of my divine feminine and masculine, feeling a sense of wholeness. Thank you Steph, you are truly magick and I love working with you.