For woman who want it all, without the hustle. 

Cosmic Creatrix is a 16 week healing & expansion journey for female entrepreneurs, creatives & visionaries who want to build their fempire from the spacious, magnetic & radiant essence of their divine feminine energy. 

You did not come onto this earth, into this lifetime, into this reality to have just another business.

You came here to be a powerful goddess, with unique soul gifts, to be globally recognised for your authenticity and to receive the highest levels of wealth, freedom and success that you could ever imagine. 


 Are you a gifted, multidimensional goddess building a global business and magnetic brand with your unique soul gifts?

If the answer is yes, you're in the right place and I have created Cosmic Creatrix just for you. 

Over 16 weeks I am going to take you through a profound expansion and evolutionary journey, liberating the divine feminine energy within you so you can:

Create your thriving fem-pire,

Become globally recognised for your magnetic energy,

Share your unique gifts with the world and,

Catapult onto the timeline where uncapped success and wealth is your reality.

We will be focusing on healing the 7 core wounds of the Divine Feminine.  

These core wounds are blocking your abundance (money and overflow), success (new clients, happiness and freedom) and impact (visibility, recognition, following). 

⇢ "I am not good enough"  

⇢ "I am not supported" 

⇢ "I am not being seen" 

⇢ "I am not powerful" 

⇢ "I am not abundant" 

⇢ "I am not successful" 

⇢ "I am not heard"

Each of these core wounds manifest in different ways in your life & business; ultimately blocking your ability to reach the heights that you desire. 

Most women don't realise that their challenges in business can be drawn down to these 7 core wounds, and most women don't realise each of these core wounds are byproducts of their unhealed feminine energy. 


Heal your feminine energy, 

Change your belief systems, 

Change your life. 

What previous clients are saying;

"I first came into Stephs world in August this year by becoming a member of her Soul Magick & Mastery Membership and I knew I needed to join Cosmic Creatrix!
Prior to starting the program my relationship with my feminine was almost non-existent.
Somewhere along the way in my lifetime, I suppressed my femininity.
Doing this program opened up new portals and doors that I had never experienced or known prior.
I've learned to create my own inner temple and sanctuary connecting with the Universe and healing my womb.
My favourite parts of this program were the powerful transmissions which are instantly activating, as well as getting to meet/witness my past wounds and ancestors from those lifetimes.
Such a beautiful program that I will always cherish.
The energy inside the container also felt so safe and nurturing and even my wounded masculine feels safe.
Now that this container has ended I'm moving on to Stephanie's program 'The Breakthrough' which I already know will change my life.
Thank you as always Steph - your healing energy is deeply appreciated. Xx"
- Peta R, 2023

What women are saying about Cosmic Creatrix;

"The relationship with my feminine after doing the program is stronger than ever.
I became so aligned with my passions that they started to weave into my professional life.
I've worked with Steph before, however this program delivered me the power I was pushing into my shadows.
Her mindset and support throughout the program gave me the bitch slaps, the kick up the ass and the whisper in my ear that the magic was already inside me.
I have told any female struggling to land in their authentic code about Stephs work.
If you want help landing in the frequency you deserve and getting closer to your purpose, do this. Honestly”
- Kim M, 2023

I know this is what you're calling in 


⇢ Speaking on stages in-front of 1000's of people, sharing your message, mission and gifts with the world.

⇢ Hosting life changing events, retreats and experiences all over the world.

⇢ Impacting millions of people with your soul gifts, sharing your wisdom, your healing gifts, your leadership skills and your unique methodology with as many people as possible

⇢ Creating a global fempire where you're the goddess CEO, surrounded by a team of incredible people who are dedicated to your mission and business

⇢ Making f**kloads of money by serving the collective & having the most fun you've ever had in your life whilst doing so

⇢ Travelling all over the world, working from where-ever & whenever you want, running a profit heavy business from your laptop on 5 star holidays

⇢ Creating a huge community of women who are dedicated to being the best version of themselves, creating impact in the collective & ascending the frequency of humanity

⇢ Inspiring women all over the world by your incredible story of success & supporting other women to create their dream life with their unique gifts

⇢ Being a bad-ass female leader, at the helm of the new female leadership paradigm

AND you want to create this incredible reality in the most magnetic, juicy, playful, spacious, fun (!!!) and magickal way.



This reality is the path of your inner goddess, your ancient priestess, your divine mother, your COSMIC CREATRIX.

But you're struggling with this 


⇢ Being trapped in your masculine dominant operating system, feeling rigid and disconnected from your flowy, spacious feminine expression.

⇢ Feeling like you never have enough time to do what is required to have a thriving business and create a magickal, beautiful life at the same time.

⇢ Struggling to find your unique creative expression & voice, getting frustrated and blocked when you’re trying to make fun content, come up with cool new offerings and stand out in your industry.

⇢ Not receiving the money, clients and impact that you know you are destined for - causing resentment, exhaustion and frustration within your business.

⇢ Procrastinating on making big, bold moves in your business because of resistance, self doubt, fear and worrying what others will think.

⇢ Micromanaging the universe & outcomes, not being able to trust in the unknown and surrender to universal intelligence.

⇢ Not trusting in your spiritual gifts, your intuition and your own inner wisdom which makes your ego even louder, keeping you stuck in overthinking loops.

⇢ Wanting to be in your feminine energy sooo much, but feeling unsure of what that even looks like for you, how to do it and if it’s even possible given your life and circumstances.


I know how frustrating it can be to be struggling with all of this, which is why I created COSMIC CREATRIX as the solution to all of these challenges.  

The truth is, most women are unconsciously living out the reality of The Repressed (unhealed, wounded conditioned)  Feminine. 

They never experience what they truely desire in this lifetime because they cannot access the timelines which hold the highest levels of wealth, freedom, impact and success. 


These timelines are not available to the energy of the repressed feminine. These timelines only reveal themselves when a woman has liberated feminine energy. 

You will manifest, expand and receive to the level at which you have healed your feminine energy. 

You will become a vibrational match for global recognition, creating a thriving fem-pire and receiving uncapped levels of wealth and success only when you have access to your raw, powerful and sacred feminine energy. 

Repressed feminine energy = repressed results = mediocre reality. 

Liberated feminine energy = liberated results = extraordinary reality. 

What most women think the feminine is;

⇨ Rest.

⇨ Self Care & Relaxation.

⇨ Being soft, fluffy & having lots of emotions.

⇨ Being a mother.

⇨ Surrendering (aka not taking action), waiting and following.

What the feminine ACTUALLY is;

⇨ Your Purpose.

⇨ Your Gifts. 

⇨ Your Confidence. 

⇨ Your Passion. 

⇨ Your Wisdom. 

⇨ Your intuition. 

⇨ Your Manifesting abilities. 

⇨ Your Magnetism. 

⇨ Your Path of Least Resistance. 

⇨ Your Raw Power. 

⇨ Your Authenticity. 

⇨ Your capacity to Receive. 

⇨ Your Impact. 

⇨ Your Visibility. 

⇨ Your Trust. 

⇨ Your Happiness.

Your feminine holds the keys and codes to all of the things, attributes and experiences that you deeply desire. 

Until you heal your feminine, you will have repressed, limited or 0 access to these elements of your feminine energy.

What women are saying about Cosmic Creatrix;

"Steph holds incredibly powerful containers of intuitive wisdom and healing, always tapped into the energetics of the group, knowing what is needed at all times and curating accordingly.
The Cosmic Creatrix program landed at a divinely aligned time in my life, coinciding no less with one of, if not THE biggest death/rebirth transformation I’ve ever experienced.
I feel so supported anytime working in Steph’s realm and it is evident that her gifts and passion for what she does is served with so much care and love.
You can feel the frequency calling your soul into whatever Steph has to offer and her energy is infectious.
After illuminating the awareness of and releasing lifetimes, generations and many deep aspects in the feminine shadows inside Cosmic Creatrix, now that I’ve integrated, I know I am not the same person I was—I am more aligned, more true and more connected with my soul, gifts and my true essence.
For me, there’s been a real harmonisation and inner union of my divine feminine and masculine, feeling a sense of wholeness.
Thank you Steph, you are truly magick and I love working with you"
- Kara C, 2023


This 15 week program has been channelled from the furthest corners of the cosmos, from divine spiritual beings, goddesses, guides & galaxies to awaken the whole cosmic blueprint of your divine feminine.

I have channelled an advanced spiritual technology called the Rapid Timeline Shift™️ protocol that heals & activates each layer of your feminine energy from the soul, to the ancestral, to the subconscious programming & the wider societal conditioning. 

By energetically nurturing each layer of your divine feminine, you are upgrading your entire frequency, identity and being. This energetic upgrade places you in alignment with an entirely new timeline. The timeline where your divine feminine has taken the lead and your new and upgraded reality will be inundated with new opportunities, ideas, people, possibilities and manifestations that are born from the energy of your raw, feminine power. 


Who is The Cosmic Creatrix?

A woman who is deeply connected to her power as a woman and the infinite source of her creativity, wisdom, gifts - the divine feminine. 

She dances in unison with the cosmic intelligence of the divine, radiating her soul essence and unique expression.

 The Cosmic Creatrix knows how to fuse her wisdom, gifts, power and energy into an unstoppable force. Her fempire. 

She is fully expressed,

She is authentically her,

She is a master of her gifts,

She is anchored into her magick,

She is dancing along her destiny path,

She is within you,

She is The Cosmic Creatrix.




Our Cosmic Curriculum will be adjusted, expanded and aligned to the collective energy of the group. As a psychic channel, I am able to feel into the energetics of each woman involved and manipulate our curriculum to suit the needs, blocks and wounds of our collective. We are not limited to this curriculum and I will mould as necessary to ensure the highest levels of transformation for the program. 


Does this sound familiar?

⇢ You've tried to "get into" your feminine energy by trying to rest more, adding self care into your schedule, dancing in-front of the mirror and booking massages yet you still feel disconnected from your feminine essence?

⇢ You think that maybe this whole "feminine energy thing" isn't for you because you're a a busy mum, or a fempreneur with a full schedule and you feel like the traditional "feminine" archetype doesn't align with you at all? 

⇢ You want to embrace your own unique type of feminine energy but feel like you have to fit yourself into a cookie cutter, instagram algorithm style version of the feminine which doesn't feel for authentic to you at all. 

⇢ You feel like you're doing the feminine wrong because your inner feminine feels like she's a stronger, bolder archetype and you love working hard, getting shit done and devoting your time and action towards your dreams.. (and apparently this isn't feminine). 

Cosmic Creatrix is the antidote to the diluted, new age, cookie cutter social media representation of the feminine. 

 ⇢ My methodology will liberate your own unique style of feminine energy, awakening your own authentic feminine essence from the inside out. 

⇢ Inside out healing means we change who you are at a cellular, energetic level which effortlessly leads to new actions, new opportunities, new habits and a new reality. 

⇢ You don't have to focus your energy on becoming someone new. You will gently  uncover and subconsciously embody more of who you who truely are, the true essence of your own inner feminine, your true authentic self, re-birthed into the world through the ancient, magick power of energy medicine. 

⇢ This program is your permission slip  to unlock the unique type of feminine you desire to be. An unlocking of the energy that is truely yours, releasing any expectations or guilt about the type of feminine you think you should be. 


Who is this program for?

This program is for you if...

You are experienced and well-versed in the realm of healing, energy work & evolution. You understand how to navigate healing containers.
You can intuitively feel it is time to devote and commit yourself to awakening your divine feminine, you feel ready to go all in on this journey.
 You are self accountable, self responsible and take FULL OWNERSHIP for your life, your results, your reality and the way you show up in the world. 
You have the time to commit to this program and do the home-support work required, including daily practises and rituals. 
You are familiar with the emotional turbulence that comes with evolutionary programs and feel completely capable to hold yourself through the ebbs & flows without needing your hand held. 
You are embodied in your spirituality and love all things "woo woo" as well as practical integration.



This program is not for you if..

You are battling trauma such as sexual assault, domestic abuse, PTSD etc (Please consult a mental health professional and get the support you need). 
 You're not experienced with energy healing & you don't know how to confidently navigate a healing journey.
You need someone to hold your hand and give you all of the answers without utilising your own channel and critical thinking. 
You are not okay with holding yourself in the void, taking risks and managing yourself through emotional turbulence and being pushed out of your comfort zone. 
You are already feeling overwhelmed with time management and aren't sure if you have the time to commit to this mentorship and do the associated tasks. 
You're not self led and need to be held accountable in order to stay on track.









4 x $688





How it works & what you receive;

12 x Healing Sessions 🪐

Over the 15 weeks you will receive do 12 x healing sessions that will be uploaded into your Cosmic Creatrix Portal.
These are pre-recorded by me on the day of upload, meaning you get to do them in your own time & space. 
These pre-recorded healing sessions will be done in 3 week blocks, with a live call for integration week on the 4th week of each block.
Each 3 week block of healing calls will focus on a different module. 
The live call times will alternate from 6pm AEST to 11am AEST on a Tuesday. Please see the FAQ for full schedule.

A Community of Godesses 👑

We will have a whats-app group to communicate between sessions. 
There will be specific support times where you can ask questions, receive guidance and check in with me about your experience in between each call. 
Connect with like-minded women, share your experiences and support your fellow goddess through our group chat.

Spiritual Prescriptions & Holistic Homework 🔮

In addition to our sessions together you will receive the session recordings, home support work and access to my library of meditations.
Plus other resources that are designed to elevate the healings & activations done in the sessions.

Frequently Asked QUESTIONS


Here is why spiritual goddesses exactly like you are obsessed with being in my world ⬇️

"This is divine magic. I feel so safe when working with Steph and I completely trust the process. There has never been a moment of doubt. Steph has facilitated so much healing in my life through and given me tools and practices so that I can continue to hold space for myself whenever I need to. The way Steph works with her clients is deep. She doesn't just hold a session or space for you then the work is complete. Energy work takes time, the more open, trusting, and aware you about your own healing process, the more committed you are to the work that you do with Steph, the bigger outcome you will get"
 I don’t think I can express how truly grateful I am for you! To be able to look up to you and learn from all the knowledge and wisdom you hold is so beautiful, I can’t Thank you enough for how much I have evolved in 2023. It is because of you that I am trusting myself more and finding myself more every day. I look back to the start of the year and I can’t believe how disconnected I was to myself. I think your methods make absolutely no fkn sense to my logical brain but fuck they feel good and they FUCKING WORK! You came here to do exactly what your doing and I feel so special to be apart of it! I love ya 🥰🤍
 "Steph just fucking gets it. She's a woman's woman and such a grounded and inspiring bridge between the spiritual/energetic and the material/physical. Her programs are always clear, concise, aesthetic af and use language that is relatable and down to earth. She really takes time to hold space for you and add value to her clients with any downloads or questions that arise through the sessions and is refreshingly devoid of the fluffy woo-woo faff that so often characterises the spiritual community. I truly feel my vibration and frequency enhanced and activated whenever I tune into one of her offerings and that alone would already be worth the investment" 
"You are so capable, you are so wise and so tapped in. The energy that held this container was so loving and full of magic. I feel exponentially different for having had your guidance and prompts to add to my day and future visions. You go above and beyond to ensure everyone is being heard and is receiving tailored care even in a group environment. You are able to traverse timelines and pull out the kernel of truth in every session so effortlessly. Your gift in this is that it is totally intuitive, psychic and channelled and I believe it is inherently unique to you. I feels very special to be receiving your offerings and to be held by your energetic prowess"



Welcome you magnificent goddess, 

To the multi-dimensional, ethereal, magickal and mystical realm that is Energia. 

In just under 1.5 years I built Energia into a 6 figure conscious business that supports women just like you to celebrate their woo woo soul gifts and turn them into a money making, life changing machine. I started off doing $40 healing sessions in my apartment and am now the owner of a successful, thriving business. 

 I'm a 6/2 Reflector, Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon & Pisces Rising. 

My mission in this lifetime is to support the women who know they are here to create a soul aligned legacy, in full expression of their soul gifts who desire to align with their highest and most abundant timeline. 

My gift is being able to see what you need to do, where you need to go & how you're unconsciously holding yourself back. I can see the path to your highest timeline and I'm here to support your journey there. 

I have been doing this for lifetimes and I am here to support you in uncovering every inch of who you truely are, awakening you to your true power and connecting you to the unseen, divine and quantum realm to unlock the life that is beyond your wildest dreams. 

Welcome to my cosmic playground, my love ~ 

You are in safe hands with me. 🤍

When you work with me you are receiving;

⇨ A proven methodology for womb healing & awakening the divine feminine. I ran Cosmic Creatrix (1.0 Beta Version) in 2023 with 15 women and the results were incredibly potent & powerful. I then spent a year working on myself, my methodology and my offering to bring Cosmic Creatix 2.0 to life to create even deeper shifts, transformations and activations around the divine feminine.

⇨ My experience and expertise as a healer, mentor and spiritual guide specialising in evolutionary programs and protocols. I have hundreds of testimonials (that can be seen on my instagram) from so many different women who I have supported in the process of awakening to their purpose path, unlocking their soul gifts and growing their soul business.

⇨ My business knowledge, experience and visionary codes as an Aquarius sun who has built a 6 figure business in under 1.5 years. 

⇨ My unique approach that blends the 3D with the 5D. I have a unique ability to contextualise and simplify spiritual and esoteric concepts into practical, tangible outcomes & solutions. 

⇨ My 3x Aquarius Placements (11th house) and my 6x Capricorn placements (10th house) in my natal chart which blend my practical, strategy focused mind with vision, innovation and the courage to push boundaries and do things differently. 

⇨ My freakishly clear, concise and powerful psychic channel. My ability to read, manipulate and translate energy from you, your business, your offerings & your spiritual team with high speed, high accuracy and clear integration. My soul gifts lie in my ability to diagnose root cause issues and create solutions in a very short period of time.

⇨ I am a 6/2 reflector in human design that can accurately mirror back and reflect your shadows, growth points and evolutionary needs while making you feel so seen, so understood and catered too. 

⇨ An honest, straight to the point, no bullshit approach that gets you results. I love you but I will unapologetically push you to your limits to maximise every inch of your potential. 

Š ENERGIA 2024  |  Stephanie Lianos

Read the Terms and Conditions of Energia here.