Are you in your “I don’t know how but I will” era?

A driven & passionate entrepreneur with huge DELUSIONAL dreams who won’t stop until they become your juicy, dreamy, reality?

You’re manifesting your next level of income, growth & success and you’re looking for your cosmic algorithm (frequency x mindset x strategy) to become a vibrational match with this new reality…

And the universe led you to me. 



A 1:1 psychic reading for VISIONARY, PASSIONATE & DELUSIONAL (#delulugang) entrepreneurs, creatives and visionaries who want the cheat codes to their next level of success;

This experience will give you your own unique energetic blueprint for your big, delulu dreams.  

Aligned & Ascending is an advanced expansion session for the entrepeneurs who want to turn their delusional dreams into reality, without following any of the rules, at quantum speed, doing it their OWN way. If you're feeling you're on the cusp of your next breakthrough and you're feeling the cosmic nudge towards greater levels of wealth, impact and recognition AND you desire a clear pathway for how to get there; we're a match made in cosmic heeeaaven. 

At the core of every unforgettable, epic, magnetic brand & business  is a vision that needs a quantum, cosmic strategy; a curated approach that blends the infinite intelligence of the psychic realms and a unique, tailored strategy aligned to your unique gifts and authentic energy.  

Aligned and Ascending is a cosmic consultation between you, the highest timeline of your business & the universal energies supporting your success, expansion and manifestations. 

In this session you will receive the ascension codes to align you with the frequency of your next success milestone. 

"Align your thoughts, beliefs and actions to the frequency of your desired result and you will ascend to the reality that you're calling in."


"Steph is just so intuitive and psychic that every session just flows and feels like you're just being led through this experience where something "else" is doing the work for you. for me - synchronicities would happen, she would read my mind or my past before i've said anything, and she'll mention ideas that i had the day before or had been contemplating already.

I dont know how she does what she does, but my god it works lol. it seems like, if your own spirit is open and receptive to subtle energy, alternative healing, and the power of the unseen, and you are willing to listen to and honour what your mind/body/intuition are telling you within the sessions and about the sessions, you WILL transform through this. with an openness and receptivity, it's almost like it's inevitable.

my main intention with starting this with steph was to just stay open to any and everything happening and just let it unfold, and i did... and with the end result i've got, the way i feel now, mentally and physically and spiritually, i'd honestly have paid double for it”

- Corey B

Aligned & Ascending is for you if you're dreaaaaming of & manifesting any of this 


⇢ Turning your big delusional dreams into reality, experiencing things that most people think are impossible or "unrealistic" and living your best f**king life,

⇢ Having a global recognised brand, speaking to huge global audiences, sharing your unique energy, message, creativity & gifts with the world,

Hosting fun, life changing events, retreats and experiences all over the world,

  Making f**kloads of money, serving the collective & having the most fun you've ever had in your life whilst doing so,

⇢ Creating a global fem-pire where you're the goddess CEO, surrounded by a team of incredible people who are dedicated to your mission and business


& any of this 


 ⇢ Travelling all over the world, working from where-ever & whenever you want, running a profit heavy business from your laptop on 5 star holidays,

⇢ Creating a huge community of women who are devoted to living out their delusional dreams, being the best version of themselves, creating big impact in the world & supporting other women to do the same thing,

 Inspiring women all over the world by your incredible story of success & supporting other women to create their dream life with their unique gifts,

 Being a bad-ass female leader, at the helm of the new female leadership paradigm,

AND you want to create this incredible reality in the most 
magnetic, juicy, playful, spacious, fun (!!!) and magic way.



And right now, at this part of your journey, you're reaaaally needing some of this 


⇢ Clarity on the the best energetic strategy, aligned with your individual and unique soul blueprint that is going to catapult you into your next level. 

⇢ A fresh, unbiased psychic insight into the unseen energetic ecosystem of your mindset & business, showing you the misaligned pieces that you can't see right now. 

⇢ Guidance & wisdom from your spiritual team and higher self around the most soul aligned pathway, process & strategy for you moving forward. 

⇢ A clear, simplified and focused action plan on the energetic, mindset and strategic pathway required to align you with your next desired financial milestone. 

A boost of confidence, and motivation to push yourself into the unknown territory required to achieve results you've never had. 

Reassurance, confirmation and support from the psychic realms that you're on the right path, completely supported and ready to step into the unknown. 

⇢ A gentle nudge & gentle reminder of your unique spiritual gifts...the untapped potential that you haven't yet explored and a remembrance of your power and capability. 

Mental space & renewed inspiration to ideate your unique approach, niche and point of difference that is going to make you stand out and magnetic AF to your dream clients. 

And this exactly what you''ll receive from our Aligned & Ascending session. 

Here's exactly what you can expect from our Aligned & Ascending session ↡

Uncovering the untapped opportunities lying in the energetic realms of your business & the industry you're in ↡

We’ll dive into the energetic currents around your business and uncover the hidden opportunities that can only be found with a psychic first, energetic approach.

Upgrade your mental framework & create your UNIQUE success mindset ↡

I'll identify the core limiting beliefs that need to be cleared for you to push to that next level. I will also comb through your subconscious to highlight the key belief systems that need to be programmed in by you for your success.

Cheat codes from your spirit guides & higher self ↡

I'll channel straight from the wisdom of your spirit guides and higher self to gain deeper insights and guidance for you. This will provide you with reassurance, support & motivation to keep moving forward into this unknown territory; knowing you are fully supported. 

A unique approach of energetics mixed with strategy ↡

Together we'll blend these psychic insights with practical strategies to create a plan that aligns with your big vision. This approach is vital to your success; ensuring your strategies and energy in sync for faster, accelerated quantum growth. 

A practical & tangible strategic plan to move forward ↡

You’ll leave with a clear, actionable blueprint so you can get into action straight away, feeling confident and clear with the pathway that is tailored to you and your individual business.  

"I’ve worked with Steph in both a personal and business capacity and she is a true oracle and medicine woman. Her deeply intuitive channel is so precise, spot on and supportive. I always walk away feeling so much clearer, empowered and with aligned action steps to take. She has the ability to tune into so much cosmic wisdom and distill it down into practical takeaways to support you on your highest path and soul mission. I’m truly so grateful to have Steph on my ‘team’ and would highly recommend working with her in any capacity as just being in her prescience alone is a gift in itself”

~ Kara C

“This was such a unique journey unlike anything I have ever experienced before. So potent, so clear, so guided. You have such a beautiful energy and have the ability to truly understand your client, and bring things together for them in a practical and actionable way. You even picked up on so many things without me having to say a word. Your precision and accuracy is so on point. You can tell that you genuinely care about the work that you do. So glad we've connected & I cannot wait to work together again in the future. Thank you for all that you do <333”

~ Kim K

Who is this session for?

This session is for you if...

You already have an established business, that has reached a certain wealth milestone. You have experience with clients, creating offers, marketing etc and you're ready to create a plan for your next level.

  You're growth & expansion focused, you're looking forward and are ready to do whatever it takes to take your business to the next level.

 You have your own spiritual, personal development and mindset practises. You have a toolkit of practises ready to go to implement the advice that is given to you from this session.

 You know how to make money in your business, you know who you are, who you're serving and have a bold vision for your life and business. 

You are spiritually open and forward, you understand the principles of energy, frequency and these hold priority in your life.  


This session is not for you if..

 You're in the beginning phase of your business without experience with clients, products, offers, marketing etc  

 You're looking to diagnose problems and find out "what's wrong", you're currently feeling stuck in a low vibrational state in your business.

 You need someone to hold your hand and give you all of the answers without utilising your own channel and critical thinking. 

 You don't have your own spiritual, mindset & personal development practices. You aren't sure how to change your mindset, upgrade your beliefs and do the work at home to upgrade your identity. 

 You haven't had success in your business yet, you're not sure how to make money or bring in new clients.  



"I reached out to Steph 5 months ago after following her social media for a while. At the time I was already working with various energy workers and healers, but I had been feeling a subtle pull towards working with Steph, and as my curiosity grew, I took the leap. My sessions with her have been nothing short of revolutionary. The modalities she uses to clear and shift irrelevant and stuck patterns, paired with her practical and grounded advice, is a combination so powerful that I have had profound life changes I could never have hoped to uncover without her, let alone integrate them so smoothly into my life. Her vast knowledge, attention to detail and unwavering support generosity is second to none. She is an embodied wealth of wisdom, who feels more like a friend you've had for years from the very first session! I cannot thank Steph enough for being such a wise and caring mentor, and I look forward to learning from her for years to come." 

~ Ingrid







2 x $238




This is not a normal, future predicting, crystal ball psychic reading ↡

⇢ I am not the sort of psychic who will predict your future, tell you what's "coming" & allow you to bypass the human experience. I am here to expand you, open your mind, your perspective and facilitate your ascension by reading the unique energetic frequency of you & your business. 

⇢ I do not tell you what to do, I guide you to your own unique wisdom, soul magick and empower you to believe in where your intuition and higher self is guiding you. 

⇢ The session will go as deep and as wide as you allow. It will meet you exactly where you're at & the frequency at which you land in the space in. 

⇢ I can see what you can't, I will reveal your energetic blindspots, show you where you're out of energetic alignment and highlight what you're missing. I will lead you to the corners of your subconscious that need your attention and devotion. 

⇢ Together we will create the pathway to your prosperity, excavating the action that needs to be taken, the identity that needs to be activated and the belief systems that need to be programmed for you to go where you want to go. 

⇢ Come prepared with your vision, your intention, your goals and I will channel through the infinite intelligence of the cosmic realms combined with a tailored, grounded, practical strategy to show you how to get there. 

"From the day I came across Steph’s page I KNEW I needed to be in her energy and she was going to be my mentor.

When I came across her page I followed my intuition and booked a discovery call, my soul recognised her instantly. When I started with Steph I knew I was beginning to tap into my psychic ability and become more in-tune with my unique soul gifts, but I wasn’t clear on how to further develop these or tap into them for the purpose of my soul work. I knew I had so many blocks, but I had no idea where to start with them all, Steph supported me in getting to the root cause of all my blocks and helped me clear so many so I could fully awaken and open to my purpose.

Her support has been guiding me along my journey of getting more in touch with my soul blueprint and how to get closer to my purpose led dream life.

Steph's mentoring is the right mix of support and wisdom with aligned ACTION! Her container of energy is unmatched, Its important to have people in your circle who represent what you'er working towards, and Steph has been just that. If you want to up-level your life, you need to get into one of Steph's containers.

 Thank you Steph…. Your containers have literally catapulted me into the next version of me & more importantly helped me clear so many blocks and let my soul know it’s safe to awaken this again... My path is becoming so clear, my gifts are strengthening and I can finally feel the energy of my business! 

~ Caitlin M 


How it works & what you receive;

1 x 60-75 minute minute virtual session 🪐

We will meet via zoom for 60-75 minutes. I will take you through my curated Aligned & Ascending methodology, giving you the space to ask questions throughout. It will be a collaborative session, fast paced, high energy session. 
Expect big breakthroughs, "aha" moments, new ideas, new perspectives and an energetic infusion of momentum & motivation to take action.
We're also going to have a shitload of fun and not take ourselves too seriously 😉

The zoom recording + thorough notes for integration 👑

You will receive the recording of the session to listen back to as well as the Aligned & Ascending integration notes. These notes divide our session into a specific & actionable pathway for integration. 
 You will have access to your recording for life, so you can come back to it time & time again. 

"Working with Steph was literally the best investment I have ever made in my life. The way Steph supported and guided me throughout the container was beyond anything I could have imagined or hoped for. I have been to many different healers and explored numerous conventional and unconventional modalities, driven by my endless fascination for my inner landscape and the seen and unseen worlds around me, and Steph was like 1000 healers all bundled up into one vivacious, caring, clear, organised, practical, powerful, magical goddess. I looked forward to every session together and loved how different each session was; intuitively guided to deliver exactly what I needed at that moment in time.

Every single time she offered me the most helpful guidance, communicated in a way that immediately landed in my body, accompanied by a knowing of how to proceed. The clarity and purity of her channelled guidance steered me towards fulfilling my original intention for working with her (something I have been yearning for my whole life) and soooo much more.

I will forever be overflowing with gratitude for you Steph. You truly changed my life in the most wonderful, magical, grounded and expansive way. You are gift to this world and I feel wildly lucky that we got to work together."

~ Sophie G 



Welcome you magnificent human,

To the multi-dimensional, ethereal, magickal and mystical realm that is Energia. 

In just under 1.5 years I built Energia into a 6 figure conscious business that supports women just like you to celebrate their woo woo soul gifts and turn them into a money making, life changing machine. I started off doing $40 healing sessions in my apartment and am now the owner of a successful, thriving business. 

I'm a 6/2 Reflector, Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon & Pisces Rising. 

My mission in this lifetime is to support the women who know they are here to create a soul aligned legacy, in full expression of their soul gifts who desire to align with their highest and most abundant timeline. 

My gift is being able to see what you need to do, where you need to go & how you're unconsciously holding yourself back. I can see the path to your highest timeline and I'm here to support your journey there. 

I have been doing this for lifetimes and I am here to support you in uncovering every inch of who you truly are, awakening you to your true power and connecting you to the unseen, divine and quantum realm to unlock the life that is beyond your wildest dreams. 

Welcome to my cosmic playground, my love ~ 

You are in safe hands with me. 🤍

When you work with me you are receiving;

⇨ My experience and expertise as a healer, mentor and spiritual guide specialising in evolutionary programs and protocols. I have hundreds of testimonials (that can be seen on my instagram) from so many different women who I have supported in the process of awakening to their purpose path, unlocking their soul gifts and growing their soul business.

⇨ My business knowledge, experience and visionary codes as an Aquarius sun who has built a 6 figure business in under 1.5 years. 

⇨ My unique approach that blends the 3D with the 5D. I have a unique ability to contextualise and simplify spiritual and esoteric concepts into practical, tangible outcomes & solutions. 

⇨ My 3x Aquarius Placements (11th house) and my 6x Capricorn placements (10th house) in my natal chart which blend my practical, strategy focused mind with vision, innovation and the courage to push boundaries and do things differently. 

⇨ My freakishly clear, concise and powerful psychic channel. My ability to read, manipulate and translate energy from you, your business, your offerings & your spiritual team with high speed, high accuracy and clear integration. My soul gifts lie in my ability to diagnose root cause issues and create solutions in a very short period of time.

⇨ I am a 6/2 reflector in human design that can accurately mirror back and reflect your shadows, growth points and evolutionary needs while making you feel so seen, so understood and catered too. 

⇨ An honest, straight to the point, no bullshit approach that gets you results. I love you but I will unapologetically push you to your limits to maximise every inch of your potential. 

Here is why driven, ambitious entrepeneurs exactly like you are obsessed with being in my world ⬇️

"This is divine magic. I feel so safe when working with Steph and I completely trust the process. There has never been a moment of doubt. Steph has facilitated so much healing in my life through and given me tools and practices so that I can continue to hold space for myself whenever I need to. The way Steph works with her clients is deep. She doesn't just hold a session or space for you then the work is complete. Energy work takes time, the more open, trusting, and aware you about your own healing process, the more committed you are to the work that you do with Steph, the bigger outcome you will get"


 I don’t think I can express how truly grateful I am for you! To be able to look up to you and learn from all the knowledge and wisdom you hold is so beautiful, I can’t Thank you enough for how much I have evolved in 2023. It is because of you that I am trusting myself more and finding myself more every day. I look back to the start of the year and I can’t believe how disconnected I was to myself. I think your methods make absolutely no fkn sense to my logical brain but fuck they feel good and they FUCKING WORK! You came here to do exactly what your doing and I feel so special to be apart of it! I love ya 🥰🤍


 "Steph just fucking gets it. She's a woman's woman and such a grounded and inspiring bridge between the spiritual/energetic and the material/physical. Her programs are always clear, concise, aesthetic af and use language that is relatable and down to earth. She really takes time to hold space for you and add value to her clients with any downloads or questions that arise through the sessions and is refreshingly devoid of the fluffy woo-woo faff that so often characterises the spiritual community. I truly feel my vibration and frequency enhanced and activated whenever I tune into one of her offerings and that alone would already be worth the investment" 


"You are so capable, you are so wise and so tapped in. The energy that held this container was so loving and full of magic. I feel exponentially different for having had your guidance and prompts to add to my day and future visions. You go above and beyond to ensure everyone is being heard and is receiving tailored care even in a group environment. You are able to traverse timelines and pull out the kernel of truth in every session so effortlessly. Your gift in this is that it is totally intuitive, psychic and channelled and I believe it is inherently unique to you. I feels very special to be receiving your offerings and to be held by your energetic prowess"


© ENERGIA 2024  |  Stephanie Lianos

Read the Terms and Conditions of Energia here.